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If the directors of Ridgway Rendezvous determine, either based on local, state or federal guidelines or based upon the board’s personal agreement of risk and liability, that the Ridgway Rendezvous Arts and Crafts Festival must be canceled, the following refund policies will be enacted:


We will offer a full refund of the booth fee, payable by check, to the artist. The jury fee, and any applicable late fees, are non-refundable. However, all 2021 accepted artists will have automatic acceptance to the 2022 Ridgway Rendezvous Festival (tentative date 8/13/22-8/14/22). In the case of auto-acceptance for 2022, we will ask for the artist to confirm their participation intent a few months prior to the 2022 event.


In the instance of a COVID cancellation, all 2021 wait-listed vendors will be able to reapply in 2022 with no jury fee.

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